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Project information

Development of the universal access to electricity strategy in Bolivia, based on a geo-referenced electricity access plan

R. Palacios A. González-García I.J. Pérez-Arriaga S. Díaz-Pastor P. Ciller

May 2023 - April 2024

Funding entity Inter-American Development Bank (IADB)

Participated by Wayvolution S.L, Waya Energy Inc, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), FICAID

The objective of this consultancy is to support the government of Paraguay and ANDE in the development of a national electrification plan as a basis for achieving the goal of universal energy access by 2030.
The project includes the following phases:
1. Development of a georeferenced database in GIS format. This database should include the location of the communities and their buildings, the energy consumption of the communities, the location of existing power lines, access roads, protected areas, identification of the concession areas of the distribution companies, socioeconomic information of the communities, among other relevant information for the development and monitoring of the plan. The database will be prepared using available information to be provided to the consulting firm and data obtained remotely through satellite information or other means of support.
2. Estimation of rural electrification demand at a 2030 horizon (or other proposed by the consulting firm), adequate for the development of the plan.
3. Preparation of the national electrification plan, optimized at the lowest overall cost, and georeferenced that considers the technical and economic feasibility and national technical regulations for grid extensions and off-grid supply systems such as solar mini-grids with storage and photovoltaic home systems. The plan should be based on the estimated energy consumption of the communities. Based on this, and the projected costs of the energy solutions, the plan should size the energy solutions to be implemented to provide access to electricity in the communities, estimate the investment needs of capital costs (CAPEX), operation and maintenance costs (OPEX) and administration costs for the projects. The plan should be based on a global cost optimization to develop an execution and investment plan to achieve universal access by 2030. Finally, scenarios and sensitivities should be developed, estimating the reduction of emissions from the use of renewable technologies and their final results database.
4. Proposal of an investment plan for the execution of the plan (2023-2030), which identifies the investments required and the financing mechanisms to finance the electrification projects proposed in the plan. The definition of this plan requires analyzing the conditions of economic, technical and environmental sustainability of the proposed business models (grid supply, mini-grids and individual systems), the institutional and regulatory framework and the sources of capital and financing mechanisms used for the development of projects for access to electricity in other countries in the region, as well as in Africa and Asia, and which are relevant to Paraguay.
5. Present a template with the technical specifications for the projects resulting from the national electrification plan.
6. Develop a methodology for updating and monitoring the national electrification plan.
7. Identification and presentation of the risks and mitigation measures identified for the implementation of the national electrification plan.

Layman's summary: The project aims at preparing the "National Integrated Rural Electrification Plan for Paraguay in 2030", allowing the country achieve sustainable, reliable and affordable universal access to electricity in 2030, integrating grid extension, mini-grids and standalone systems.